Our customers and users of our equipment
  1.    Kipp & Zonen B.V. Delft - The Netherlands,
  2.    Kipp & Zonen France S.A.R.L.,
  3.    Kipp & Zonen USA Inc. Bohemia - USA,
  4.    Kipp & Zonen Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. Singapore;
  5.    "Central Aerological Observatory" (CAO, Roshydromet, Dolgoprudny, Moscow region);
  6.    EURELETTRONICA ICAS Srl (Italy);
  7.    NASA (USA);
  8.    "Raymet";
  9.    ITAS Instrumenttjenesten AS (Norway);
  10.    Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (USA);
  11.    Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research;
  12.    Joint Stock Company "Myasishchev Design Bureau";
  13.    The Institute of Experimental Meteorology (IEM, RPA 'Typhoon', Roshydromet);
  14.    Federal State Institution "BASHKIR Department for Hydrometeorology and ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING" (Roshydromet);
  15.    Federal State Institution "Privolzhskoye Department on Hydrometeorology and ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING" (Roshydromet);
  17.    CJSC "Atmospheric Technologies";
  19.    "Mosekomonitoring" Department of Natural Resources&Environmental Protection of Moscow;
  20.    The Scientific Research Institute of the International Tomographic Center, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
  21.    JSC Atomenergoproekt;
  22.    TENEX-Service leasing company it is part of the State Atomic Energy Corporation "Rosatom";
  23.    Vietnam Electricity;
  24.    Public Joint-Stock Company "E4 Group";
  25.    Public Joint-Stock Company "Kiyv Research";
  26.    Design Institute Energoproject";
  27.    Limited Liability Company "Energoprojecttechnology";
  28.    Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2;
  29.    JSC "International Aero Navigation Systems Concern" (IANS);
  30.    Faculty of Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University;
  31.    Perm State University;
  32.    Belgorod National Research University;
  33.    The University of Bergen;
  34.    Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center;
  35.    "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute" (AARI, Sankt-Peterburg);
  36.    A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences;
  37.    Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMCES SB RAS);
  38.    V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the RAS (IAO SB RAS);
  39.    P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IO RAS);
  40.    Tempro Scientific Limited (China)
  41.    Optima Group